University of Melbourne visits C-Mac for workplace leadership research

Author: Aaron Chen  Date Posted:3 February 2020 

At the end of last month, Laura Good, Research Assistant at the Centre for Workplace Leadership at the University of Melbourne, visited C-Mac Onsite for the study on High Performance Work Practices in Manufacturing.

workplace-leadership-onsite-visitThe project focuses on high performing small to medium manufacturers in Australia and the innovative management practices they use to improve their business performance.

In particular, the Centre for Workplace Leadership is studying the way employees are managed and how managers develop their employees’ knowledge, skills and abilities. The study examines how employees are motivated and the opportunities they are given to contribute at work. Recruitment and selection, training, consultation and communication, input into job design, performance management and team work are also examined.

Laura is currently working on the project and will keep C-Mac up to date with the progress.

More information about the program is coming soon.

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