C-Mac's Case Study in High Performance Manufacturing Workplace Study

Author: Aaron Chen  Date Posted:25 April 2019 

The Australian Government Department of Industry commissioned the Centre for Workplace Leadership, at The University of Melbourne to conduct a study that investigates the use of management practices that increase performance and innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the manufacturing sector. 

The purpose of the study is to understand what drive high performance outcomes for Australian manufacturing SMEs and the issues of shaping this ability, with the support required for such a transition to take place.

Research has shown that the management practices below which are known as High Performance Work Practices (HPWPs) are the key drivers to improve business and employee performance.


(1) Developing the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSA) of employees – through recruitment and selection practices, and provision of development and training opportunities.


(2) Motivating employees and rewarding their effort – through performance management, performance pay, and reward and recognition schemes.


(3) Providing employees with opportunities to contribute to their workplace and input into how their work is done – primarily through structures that promote communication, consultation, and employee involvement in work processes.  


Read the full "High Performance Manufacturing Workplaces Study Here"

Or Click here to look at C-Mac's Case Study within the study

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