C-Mac will give a keynote speech at Manufacturing Industry Forum

Author: Aaron Chen  Date Posted:3 February 2020 

The aim of the forum is to discuss the future of manufacturing leadership in Australia. Dr Brigid van Wanrooy from the Center for Workplace Leadership (Belongs to Melbourne University) will present the results of their study. See one of their research results/case studies - High Performance Manufacturing Workplaces Initial Findings (September 2014) here. C-Mac’s manufacture manager Steve Grlyak has been invited to deliver a keynote speech at the forum.

Keynote Speaker: C-Mac’s Manufacture Manager Steve Grlyak

Time: Friday 7 November between 11.30am- 1pm.  


Location: Newcastle City Hall, 290 King St, Newcastle.  


Speech brief:


-  10-15 minute presentation
-  Discuss C-Mac and the way we manage employees, especially in relation to the aspects we examined in the case study above (developing employees’ knowledge, skills and abilities; motivation and effort; and opportunities to contribute)


The Centre for Workplace Leadership has collaborated with Manufacturing Skills Australia (MSA) to run the FREE consultative industry event.


Register a FREE ticket here.

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